“And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and do good deeds”

Hebrews 10:24.

WELCOME to the website for Malvern Uniting Church's Mission Group - A.R.K. That stands for Acts of Random Kindness, and that's what we do. We're a group of young people who are looking to help our community and the world in any way we can. We run fund-raising events, do volunteer work and organise Random Acts of Kindness where we see need.

If you're interested in getting involved, or in seeing what we get up to, then check out our blog, or head over to www.malvernat6.com to see more of what we do...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Since India...

Well, i know the mission group website has been a little quiet since we got home from India... but that doesn't mean that we've not been doing any mission work! This year, we've started a mission group that meets once a month or so. We've called it A.R.K - Acts of Random Kindness.

This year, we've done a fair few things already. Some of what we do is just for the benefit of someone else, other times we're raising money for a cause or for the mission trip that we're planning to take in the summer of '10.

We've had a few Random Acts of Kindness this year. The first was when we painted the house of Jono's next door neighbour. Their son has leukemia and they'd gone interstate to get him a bone marrow transplant. While they were away, as a suprise, a group of us painted their house. When they got home, they were thrilled.

Later in the year, we went to St. Mary Magdelene's to serve the homeless and unfortunate one saturday night. It took lots of organisation to get enough food for 150 people to have a three course meal. However, on the night, when we served all of those people and saw their enjoyment when we handed over a yummy warm meal, it was more than worth it. They were incredibly appreciative and it was nice to get the chance to chat to some of them. Later in the evening, Dave even went out and sat down with his guitar, and everyone sang some songs.

When the Royal Show was on, Josh, Benji and Annabel went down to the gates and gave away free muffins, iced coffee and juice. People found it hard to grasp the concept of 'free' and seemed hesitant to take anything from us, but everyone thought it was a good idea and seemed pleased that we were there. A few hours and a grand total of 176 muffins later, and we headed home. It was a worthwhile trip.

We also delivered the yellow and white pages in Unley this year. This is always a chore (remember, we did it when we were fundraising for the first India trip; but it was much more difficult in the hilly streets of Burnside!), but thanks to the many willing volunteers that we had, we got it all done. Thanks especially to Peter McSkimming for doing so much work with this.

There's lots more coming up and we'll be sure to keep you posted now that we've got the blog up and running again. If you want to help out with anything, let us know and we'll be more than happy to find you something that you're interested in! We'll see you at our next event!

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